The Chamber has been involved in many educational programs, events, and projects that have been a benefit to generations of students. We are honored to continue working with incredible organizations that inspire the world’s future leaders, creators, and innovators. Check out some of our favorite stories and projects below.
Alhambra to Promote Fast Track Programs in New Zealand
A representative of the Global Initiative for Education and Leadership at The University of Texas at Austin will be in Auckland September 20th to 25th to promote its Fast Track programs.
UT Global Initiative Receives Award from Major International Conference
The Global Initiative for Education and Leadership of the University of Texas at Austin has received an award from the 2013 Gulf Education Conference and Exhibition in London.
Alhambra To Forge New Partnership At London Conference
The Global Initiative for Education and Leadership at The University of Texas at Austin is helping to organize the Gulf Education Conference and Exhibition on June 19-20 in London.
Alhambra Co-Hosts 2013 Embassy-University Showcase
The Global Initiative for Education and Leadership at The University of Texas at Austin co-hosted the 2013 Higher Education Fair and Embassy-University Showcase on June 25 in Washington. D.C.