The Chamber has been involved in many educational programs, events, and projects that have been a benefit to generations of students. We are honored to continue working with incredible organizations that inspire the world’s future leaders, creators, and innovators. Check out some of our favorite stories and projects below.
Gulf Higher Education Conference: A Two-Part Series
The Alhambra-US Chamber and its partners are delighted to announce the Virtual Gulf Higher Education Conference, a two-part series.
Capacity Building and Youth Empowerment: The Design Thinking Approach
By using a simplified design thinking approach the Chamber and its partners will develop thought processes to instill confidence in today’s youth; to prepare them for diverse business and organizational challenges and develop a platform capable of offering solutions and bringing about change.
The Future Series: The EdTech Change-makers
EdTech has enhanced the Chamber’s mission of strengthening educational capacity around the world. Tap into EdTech startups and companies from The US, Europe and other parts of the world.
Ambassador Speaker Series
A monthly one-hour online conversation with international ambassadors. Hear inspiring stories from ambassadors, learn about their career paths and get questions answered.
International Students Admissions Consulting
We offer a complimentary service to guide and advise you through the application process for a U.S. university.
Professional Self-Advocacy for Women: An Interactive Workshop
The Alhambra-US Chamber is co-hosting this timely workshop in conjunction with the Global Impact Initiative and featuring creator and innovator, Mariam Matin.
Computer Science Scholars Program
We will teach you the fundamentals of python over eight sessions. No previous knowledge about coding is required; this program is designed for anyone who wants to learn python!
Upskill Your Life & Career
This fabulous, free opportunity is open to any student or young professional interested in improving their technical skills and learning new ones!
Online Seminars by Harvard Business School Faculty
Series of leading-edge, groundbreaking seminars conducted online by faculty from the Harvard Business school.
World Learning Summit 2020
WLS promotes strong collaboration in international education and principled technological development.
Westbank Scholarship Student Receives National Accolade
Bara’h Odey, an alumna of the Alhambra-organized Westbank Scholarship program, was a speaker at TEDx in Denver. Odey orated on conditions in Palestine.
Malik Featured in Emirates Business Magazine
Anjum Malik believes in the power of education and through her work she desires to uplift the stature of women in society. Emirates Business News covered her incredible story.
Alhambra Partners with STEMconnector®
The partnership will focus on improving STEM education by encouraging collaboration and identifying, profiling, connecting, and supporting current initiatives and programs.
Alhambra Partners with EnviroJordan
EnviroJordan is a 2-week long enriching study tour with an emphasis on environmental science issues and education, which aims to introduce the region to educators.